By Ruth Axtell
Everyone has heard the buzz words and catch phrases “shop local”, “support small businesses” and “support the local economy”, but do you really know what that means and what an impact these very simple things can do for you and your family? Spending money on products and services that are provided by local business keeps your money circulating in your community and also provides jobs. Small businesses also tend to support other small businesses, service providers and growers too. That helps to keep prices down, minimize the carbon foot print and keep your town or city in New Hampshire vibrant and independent of the big box stores and out of state-based businesses.
These principles not only apply to where you buy your food, or shop for clothing but also for services such as building contractors, Internet providers and small restaurants. Dollars spent at community-based merchants create a multiplier effect in the local economy, meaning that from each dollar spent at a local independent merchant, the majority of that money typically goes back into the local economy. According to a recent article in BusinessNH Magazine:
For every $100 spent at a local, independent business approximately $68 stays in the community compared to only $43 spent elsewhere. Buying local is also more environmentally friendly, reducing the carbon emissions…
Peregrine Networks a New Hampshire based business that provides services to New Hampshire businesses and help support the local New Hampshire economy. We understand how important it is to shop local because so many of our customers are small local businesses.
As the world around us changes so radically, we all need to think a little smaller, a little more local and take care of each other. Perhaps relying a little less on the big guys, big box stores and imports even if it means spending a few extra dollars, it is worth it to keep ourselves in business here in New Hampshire and support the very livelihoods this country was founded on.